Thursday, 20 August 2020

Thursday 20th August



Today's Riddle

Where can you find cities, towns, shops, and streets but no people?

Answer to yesterday's -Seven


  1. Good Morning Miss Fullard and Harry. The wishgranter video is such a cute video! I'm sure Room 21 will love retelling what they saw from the beginning to the end of the video. Thank you for sharing lots of cool riddles to keep our brains working.

    Have a super awesome day!

  2. Good morning Miss Fullard. I've been enjoying seeing what some of you have been up to at home. Miss Fullard has some great riddles to get us thinking, doesn't she! I'm trying to solve today's riddle now. It looks like we will have to stay inside today but I'm sure you will have lots of things to do. Enjoy your day everyone.

  3. Good Morning Room 21,
    I'm sure you will all be looking forward to Google Meets starting next week as you get to catch up with your friends and share some of what you have been doing. Those riddles are tricky but fun.Go well with the writing task today if you get to try it? Have a super day!

  4. Hi Rm 21. I love your riddle about the number 7! I am going to add that to our Maths Week Slide deck for everyone to see.
    Keep smiling,
    From Mrs Madden
