Monday, 17 August 2020

Monday 17th August

Morning all, 

I hope you had a great weekend.  I know you would have been out and about enjoying the sunshine. I enjoyed getting some exercise out onto the rotary walkway and pulling out lots of weeds in the garden.

The slide deck for the next 2 weeks is now available. When you go onto the blog, look for the heading in red that says Learning at Home. This slide deck will last for two weeks. You can complete as many activities as you are able to however, there is no pressure to complete them all. The TV channel also starts up again from this morning for you to access at home. The slide deck and daily videos will be our focus for this week.

 We will be discussing the possibility of having Google Meets in Week 6. We will let you know specific details nearer the time. 

Feel free to share your learning with me once a week and I can post it onto the blog. 

Today's Riddle 
I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old, what am I? 


  1. I managed to get out in the fresh air in the weekend - I hope that you all did too. Lots of exciting things to try on the Slidedeck. Looking forward to seeing all the fabulous work that you will be doing!

  2. Hi Miss Fullard and Room 21. So great to hear that you have been getting out and about in the sunshine! We have been very lucky with the weather lately. I can't wait to see which activities the Room 21 kids do this week. There are so many awesome activities on the slideshow it may be hard to choose!

    From Miss Stuhlmann

  3. Marien - Maddox's mum17 August 2020 at 23:57

    The riddle had been our bedtime topic.. our guess is - a dog.🐶
