Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Tuesday 12th May


  1. Morena Miss Fullard and Harry! Yay super excited to return to school on Monday. I hope you have a good bike ride in the sun.

  2. Goodmorning Miss Fullard, yay that is so exciting isn't it to be heading back to school next Monday. Hope you had a great bike ride and enjoy your google mets today.

  3. Mōrena Miss Fullard! HAHA! Ape-rins...! Good joke. Looking forward to seeing you next week and all of our lovely GEMS! Have a great day!
    Miss Robertson

  4. Wasn't it fabulous news to find out that we can return to school next Monday. We are all very excited to see our classmates again!

  5. Room 9a had fun on our Google Meets today. Miss Robertson suggested we wore something on our heads and I wore a monkeys face which is a pyjama case! I spoke in monkey too! Ooh, ooh, ooh!
    We can't wait to see our kiddies again in person on Monday.
    From Mrs Burge
