Friday, 31 July 2020

Well done Leo, Laith and Sophie

Congratulations Leo, Laith and Sophie for receiving a certificate at assembly on Friday. You are working hard to achieve your goals. Keep shining!

Buddy Spelling

Today our Year 5 buddy class helped us with our spelling. They designed a game on their chrome books to help us learn about the digraph 'sc'. Thanks Room 15!

Assembly Performance

Today in Koru Assembly Room 21 performed Paradise in sign Language. What a terrific job they did!

We Love The Bike Track

Every Thursday this term Room 21 gets to use the bike track. Check out the smiles in the video below showing just how much we love using it!

Friday, 24 July 2020

Congratulations Alexander

Well done Alexander on receiving a certificate at Assembly today. You are showing our GROWTH GEM by asking questions to further your understanding.


Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Oskar, Maddox and Loyee perform -Too Much Noise

Bucket Filling

At the end of every day we acknowledge those friends who have been kind to us. We sit in a circle and talk about one person each in Room 21 who has filled our 'invisible bucket'.

Art Exhibition-Wild Thing

We are so proud of our 'Wild Thing' masks. You are welcome to go and look at these in the school hall.